M25OC was recently featured in an August 18, 2017 write-up in Richland Source as part of a series of articles covering food insecurity in Richland County:

Hunger in the Heartland: Mansfield organization uses food to connect with neighbors in need

By: Emily Dech, Staff Reporter

MANSFIELD - A line forms in the parking lot at Mansfield Senior High School. People of all ages gather on a brisk Saturday morning in August, the weather already showing signs of fall.

Ebullient volunteers greet guests as they make their way toward a tent with a sign that reads "WELCOME."

Creating a welcoming atmosphere is one of the objectives of Matthew 25 Outreach Center's monthly produce distributions. It's through this amiable approach that volunteers are able to bridge connections with people in need, learning more about their lives and how they could potentially provide support through other means -- whether that's connecting them to valuable resources in the area or offering solace during a time of hardship.

M25OC's desire is to meet some of life’s basic needs, while building trust, creating relationships and sharing God’s love.

Once a month, this nonprofit organization distributes an average of 20,000 pounds of fresh food to local families, about half of which is delivered to people's homes, according to Jonathan Stufft, M25OC vice president.

"Our ministry, our mission, our call is to get to know people, and oh yeah, by the way, we're giving them food," Stufft said with a laugh. "It's almost like this is the ticket so we can get to know you."

Read the full article in Richland Source here.