Original Entry Date: April 1, 2017
Written by: Jonathan Stufft

Richard was strolling by our truck as it was parked outside of a building we were looking at as a potential location for the outreach center.

He stole a quick glance into the back of the truck as we were walking back near it. We seized the moment and offered him food from what produce we had left in the truck.

Richard already had a bag in his hand, and we weren’t quite finished discussing the building, so we worked out a plan to take produce to his apartment building. Richard went next door to visit with a friend while we finished talking about the building.

As it turned out, he was leaving just as we were ready to leave as well. We rearranged the produce in the back of the truck and Richard hopped in to ride several blocks to his building. When we arrived, we grabbed produce and he led us to his apartment.

What an amazing sight as he opened the door! EVERY square inch of his apartment was adorned with some sort of trinket, flower, picture or decoration. Literally, every inch.

Normally, we would have taken the reigns at this point and started knocking on doors, but not today. Richard became an instant partner in ministry. He was host. He was neighbor. Richard led the charge and took us door to door throughout all three floors of the building.

He would lean close to the door to listen for activity, and if he heard someone inside, he would knock. He was a natural salesman, and obviously had a love for people. He had picked up on the fact that Jeff had said, “Happy Easter!” to him as we dropped his produce (and thought we were leaving him!).

With that fresh in his mind, Richard was off. “Knock! Knock! It’s the Easter Bunny! I’ve got produce for ya!”

Again, “Knock! Knock! I got free produce! It’s Easter! I’m hear with presents!”

And on down the line we went. Richard gave to each person who came to the door. We did very little other than run in more produce from the truck. Richard was feeding people – smiles, attention, and his kind thoughts.

We had the produce, but he was doing the feeding. Smile after smile. His smile given, their smiles received.

Richard gives what we hope to give.